Alysha Armstrong

Ph.D. Candidate - University of Utah
alysha.armstrong [at]

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Hi there! I'm Alysha, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Utah working with Dr. Keith Koper and Dr. Ben Baker. My thesis work focuses on using machine learning to find and process small, often overlapping, earthquakes in the Yellowstone volcanic region. I'm primarily interested in seismic sources, network seismology, and machine learning.

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University of Utah
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics
    • Expected May 2025
  • Graduate Certificate in Data Science
    • Awarded Dec. 2021
  • Bachelor of Science in Geoscience
    • Minor in Computer Science
    • Aug. 2016 – May 2020

Thesis Projects

A deep‐learning phase picker with calibrated Bayesian‐derived uncertainties for earthquakes in the Yellowstone Volcanic Region

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Feature-based magnitude estimates for small earthquakes in the Yellowstone Volcanic Region

A deep-learning-enhanced earthquake catalog for the Yellowstone Volcanic Region


A copy of my CV (updated 4/21/24)